
Showing posts with the label Fractured

Fractured: Chapter 8 -11:00 PM Sunday (Confronting the Truth)

Kemi drove through the empty streets, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly, heart pounding in her chest. Bimpe’s dying words echoed in her mind: “Your husband… he’s the one.” Every instinct in her told her to run far away, but the voice on the phone had left her no choice. Her final task was to find Akin. The city lights grew distant in her rearview mirror as she headed toward the outskirts, to a place the voice had called “home.” Memories flashed in fragments—images of Akin laughing, then yelling, their house filled with warmth and then, suddenly, darkness. It was as if her mind was trying to stitch together the pieces of her past, but nothing made sense. Yet, despite the haziness, one thing was becoming clear: she couldn’t trust him. Her phone buzzed with a new message. Old Estate on Lekki-Epe Road. You know the one. Kemi didn’t remember it, but as she drove further, something tugged at the back of her mind. Her breath quickened as the road narrowed, leading her down a dirt

Fractured: Chapter 7 - 9:00 PM Sunday (Final Target)

The forest was dark, the trees looming over Kemi like ancient sentinels, their branches shifting ominously in the cold breeze. She had followed the coordinates sent to her phone, heart pounding in her chest, knowing this was her final target. The cabin came into view, barely visible in the moonlight—weathered, abandoned, and tucked away from prying eyes. Her head was still swimming from Felix’s last words back in the tech firm, his bloodied body slumped over the desk. “Trust no one... not even your own mind.” The words haunted her, looping endlessly in her thoughts. She still didn’t know who was orchestrating this nightmare or why. Every target she had encountered held a piece of the puzzle, but none had given her the full picture. And now, as she approached the wooden door of the cabin, her instincts screamed at her to turn back. The phone in her pocket vibrated, the countdown ticking down mercilessly. 13 hours left. Kemi entered cautiously, her senses heightened. The door creaked as

Fractured: Chapter 6 - 7:00 PM Sunday (The Tech Mogul)

Kemi stood at the entrance of Felix Ajayi’s tech firm, its towering glass windows reflecting the dying light of the evening. The building was sleek, modern, and utterly deserted. Her heart raced as she pushed the door open, the weight of Felix’s reputation hanging over her. He was a man known for his wealth and power, a tech mogul with connections in every corner of the city. Yet, in this moment, it seemed even he wasn’t safe from the deadly game she had been forced into. Inside, the office was eerily quiet. Rows of empty desks and flickering computer screens lined the open-plan workspace. Kemi moved quickly, her steps muffled by the plush carpet, her eyes scanning for any sign of Felix. The phone in her pocket vibrated, its timer ticking down: 15 hours left. Suddenly, she heard rapid typing coming from one of the offices at the far end of the hall. She quickened her pace, heart pounding, and quietly approached the door. Peering inside, she saw Felix, hunched over his computer, frantic

Fractured: Chapter 5 - 5:00 PM Sunday (Desperate Decisions)

Kemi’s legs felt like lead as she trudged through the desolate alleyways of the city, her mind racing and her heart thudding in her chest. Every noise made her jump—every shadow felt like it was watching her. She had barely made it out of the church alive, and the reality of what was happening to her was starting to sink in. She found herself drawn to an abandoned building, its crumbling façade hidden from the street by overgrown weeds. With no other choice, she slipped inside, her body screaming for rest. The room was musty, filled with the echoes of forgotten memories and dust that clung to everything. Just as she was about to collapse onto the floor, she heard footsteps approaching. Her hand instinctively went to the gun in her duffel bag, ready to defend herself. “Relax, I’m not here to hurt you,” a voice said from the shadows. Kemi spun around, her eyes narrowing as she saw a man step forward. He was tall, with dark eyes that seemed to know more than they should. “My name’s Kunle,

Fractured: Chapter 4 - 3:00 PM Sunday (Third Target)

The church stood on the outskirts of the city, isolated and shrouded in an unsettling stillness. Kemi parked a short distance away, her eyes scanning the desolate landscape for any signs of life. The phone’s timer continued its relentless countdown, a constant reminder that her time was slipping away. She didn’t know what to expect from Father Michael, but as she approached the church, the air felt heavier with each step. The creak of the old wooden door echoed through the empty halls as Kemi stepped inside. The church was dimly lit, with shafts of sunlight piercing through the stained glass windows, casting eerie, multicolored reflections on the stone floor. A few candles flickered near the altar, but the place felt abandoned—like a forgotten relic. Her fingers brushed against the gun inside her duffel bag. She wasn’t sure why she had brought it; she wasn’t sure of anything anymore. “Kemi,” a voice called out from the front of the church. She froze. Father Michael stood by the altar,

Fractured: Chapter 3 - 1:00 PM Sunday (Close Call)

The towering office building loomed before Kemi, its gleaming glass façade reflecting the bustling city around her. This was where her second target, Chief Obiora, operated—a man deeply entrenched in the corrupt world of politics and money. The financial district was crawling with people, but her eyes were focused on the towering structure in front of her. She had to move carefully, as time was still slipping away. With a deep breath, Kemi entered the lobby, her heart pounding against her chest. She approached the front desk and, with as much composure as she could muster, claimed to be a visitor for one of the companies housed in the building. The receptionist barely glanced at her ID before waving her through. Kemi knew this was the easy part—getting past the first checkpoint. As she ascended in the elevator, her mind raced. She had no plan—no strategy, only the overwhelming pressure of the ticking clock and the knowledge that she was being hunted just as much as she was hunting. The

Fractured: Chapter 2 - 11:00 AM Sunday - First Target

The sun blazed overhead, casting a harsh light on the bustling marketplace. Kemi moved through the sea of vendors, their colorful wares and loud calls blending into a cacophony of noise. Her heart pounded with each step, her mind still spinning from the ultimatum that had shattered her reality just an hour ago. She scanned the crowd, her eyes searching for her first target—Chike Nwosu, a businessman engaged in shady dealings. Her gaze caught sight of him standing near a stall, his expensive suit and imposing presence contrasting sharply with the chaotic scene around him. He stood next to a younger man, his voice low as he discussed something in hushed tones. Kemi’s body froze. Her fingers tingled as she replayed the voice from the phone call, commanding her to kill him. But how could she? She had no memory of this man, no idea of who she was or what had led her to this moment. How could she kill a stranger, let alone anyone? The crowd jostled her as she stood there, paralyzed by indeci

Fractured: Chapter 1 - 10:00 AM Sunday (The Awakening)

Kemi stirred awake, her eyelids heavy and her head throbbing with a relentless, sharp pain. The room around her was dimly lit, its sterile smell making her uneasy. A fluorescent bulb flickered above, casting erratic shadows across the small space. Panic surged through her as she tried to recall where she was—or even who she was. She struggled to sit up, her limbs weak, her mind clouded. Her heart raced, each beat thudding in her chest. She scanned the room, disoriented, trying to grasp onto any detail that would make sense. A metal chair sat in one corner, a plain table with a duffel bag on it in another. The walls were a muted gray, almost suffocating in their plainness. There was no window, no sign of where she could be. "Who am I?" she whispered hoarsely, her throat dry. Before she could dwell on her confusion, the sound of buzzing pulled her attention to a phone lying beside her on the bed. Its screen lit up with an unknown number. Without thinking, she picked it up, her