When the Crow Flies: Chapter 9

The old factory loomed before Adesuwa, its silhouette stark against the early evening sky. Rusted metal beams and broken windows hinted at years of abandonment, and a chill ran down her spine as she approached. This place, once a hub of activity, had long since fallen into decay—much like her life had after that fateful night. But now, it held the answers she’d been seeking for a decade.

She moved carefully, her footsteps echoing in the emptiness. Tayo’s letter had led her here, and she was certain that within these walls lay the evidence that would finally expose the truth. She picked her way through the debris, her eyes scanning for anything out of place, anything that might give her a clue.

As she ventured deeper, she noticed the faint outline of old bloodstains on the concrete floor, long dried but unmistakable. The sight triggered a flood of memories, and she felt herself slipping back to that night, her mind conjuring images of the chaos, the screams, the accusations. She remembered being dragged away, the looks of fear and contempt on the faces of the townspeople. They had all believed she was guilty, and she’d been powerless to prove her innocence.

She took a deep breath, grounding herself in the present. She wasn’t that frightened young woman anymore. She was here to confront the past, to unearth the lies that had destroyed her life.

As she continued to search, her eyes landed on a large, rusty metal crate pushed against the wall. It seemed out of place, as if it had been moved recently. She pulled it aside, her heart racing as she uncovered a hidden compartment beneath the floorboards. Inside, she found a small collection of papers, yellowed with age but still legible.

She skimmed through them, her pulse quickening as she recognized the names on the documents—prominent figures in the town, people she’d trusted. There were records of secret meetings, transactions, evidence of corruption that stretched back years. And at the center of it all was a name she hadn’t expected: Chief Ajibade, a wealthy benefactor who had always seemed untouchable, a man known for his charitable contributions and spotless reputation.

The documents detailed a cover-up, a calculated scheme to silence anyone who threatened to expose the truth. It was all here: the bribery, the manipulation, the threats. And they had chosen her as their scapegoat, pinning the blame on her to deflect attention from their own crimes.

She felt a surge of anger, a fierce need for justice. She would bring these people down, no matter the cost. She tucked the papers into her bag, her mind racing as she formulated a plan. She needed someone she could trust, someone who would help her expose the truth. But who? Tayo had been the only person she could rely on, and now he was gone.

She took out her phone and hesitated, her fingers hovering over the screen. Finally, she decided to reach out to an old acquaintance, Detective Martins, a retired officer who had always believed in her innocence. He was the last person she trusted, and she hoped he hadn’t been corrupted by the town’s power players.

She typed out a message, her fingers shaking slightly as she pressed send. As she waited for a response, memories of the night of the crime flooded her mind. She could see it all clearly now—the dark figures moving through the factory, the hushed voices, the sound of a struggle. She remembered the moment she had stumbled into the scene, the look of shock on their faces as they realized she had seen too much.

In a flash, it all made sense. They hadn’t just framed her for the sake of convenience—they had been protecting themselves from exposure. She remembered hearing Chief Ajibade’s voice that night, giving orders, telling them to “take care of the situation.” He had orchestrated the entire scheme, using his influence to manipulate the town and cover up the murder.

Her phone buzzed, breaking her out of her thoughts. Detective Martins had agreed to meet her at the factory in an hour. She knew she was walking into a dangerous situation, but she didn’t care. She was done being a pawn in their game. This was her chance to expose them, to bring their secrets to light.

As she prepared for the confrontation, she could feel the weight of the past lifting from her shoulders. She was finally ready to fight back, to reclaim her life. But a nagging thought lingered at the back of her mind—if they were willing to kill Tayo to keep her quiet, what lengths would they go to silence her?

She squared her shoulders, pushing the fear aside. She had come too far to back down now. With a final look at the documents in her bag, she steeled herself for the showdown ahead. The truth was finally within reach, and she was ready to face whatever came next.


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