When the Crow Flies: Chapter 8

Adesuwa sat in the empty bar, the pain of Tayo’s death still raw. She was filled with a mix of grief and fury, a relentless ache that wouldn’t let her rest. She glanced around the bar, memories flooding back from when they were younger, when she and Tayo had used this place as their own secret hideaway. He had loved her once, fiercely, and she clung to that memory now, hoping it would give her the strength she needed to keep going.

She knew Tayo wouldn’t have left her without answers. If he’d been protecting her, as he claimed, he would have tried to leave something behind, some clue to help her unravel the truth. Her mind drifted back to the times they’d met here in secret. They’d carved out a small compartment in the floorboards under the bar, a place where they’d hidden love notes and small keepsakes, a place no one else knew about.

With renewed purpose, Adesuwa knelt down, her hands brushing over the rough wood. Her fingers searched for the small, familiar latch. Finally, she found it—a faint indent that gave way to the pressure of her fingers. She lifted the panel, and there it was: a small, weathered envelope with her name scrawled across the front in Tayo’s handwriting.

She held it in her hands, feeling a fresh wave of sadness as she traced the letters of her name. With a deep breath, she opened the envelope and pulled out a single sheet of paper. She unfolded it carefully, her eyes scanning the words, each sentence pulling her deeper into Tayo’s final message --


If you’re reading this, then it means I couldn’t protect you the way I wanted. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth sooner, but I thought I could keep you safe by keeping you away from all of this. I was wrong.

The people who framed you… they’re not just powerful. They’re untouchable, or at least they think they are. They control this town—men and women you’ve known your whole life. They have money, influence, and connections that go far beyond this place. They needed someone to take the blame for what happened, someone they could pin everything on to cover their own tracks. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

These people, Adesuwa, they’ll do anything to keep their secrets hidden. They’ve already killed to protect themselves, and they won’t hesitate to do it again. That’s why I tried to stop you. I didn’t want you to end up like them, another body buried beneath their lies.

But if you’re set on finding the truth, there’s something you need to know. Everything started in the old factory. That’s where you’ll find the answers you’re looking for. It’s where they meet, where the deals are made, and where the original crime took place. But be careful. If they know you’re getting close, they won’t stop until you’re silenced.

I’m sorry I couldn’t be stronger for you. I hope you find the justice you deserve.

— Tayo”

Adesuwa’s hands trembled as she finished reading. She could feel the weight of Tayo’s guilt, his regret for the choices he’d made, and the fear that had kept him silent for so long. He had died trying to protect her, but now he’d given her the one piece of information that could change everything.

The old factory. She remembered it well—a crumbling building on the edge of town, abandoned years ago, left to rot like so many of the town’s forgotten places. She hadn’t thought of it in years, but now it held the key to everything.

Her mind raced with questions. What had happened in that factory? Who had been involved, and what lengths would they go to keep their secrets buried? She didn’t have all the answers yet, but she knew where to start. The factory was the place where it had all begun, and now it was where she would find the truth.

As she sat there, the letter clutched in her hands, a fierce determination surged within her. She would go to the factory, face whoever was waiting for her there, and she would bring their lies crashing down. No more fear, no more running. She would find justice, for herself and for Tayo.


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