Fractured: Chapter 8 -11:00 PM Sunday (Confronting the Truth)

Kemi drove through the empty streets, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly, heart pounding in her chest. Bimpe’s dying words echoed in her mind:
“Your husband… he’s the one.” Every instinct in her told her to run far away, but the voice on the phone had left her no choice. Her final task was to find Akin.

The city lights grew distant in her rearview mirror as she headed toward the outskirts, to a place the voice had called “home.” Memories flashed in fragments—images of Akin laughing, then yelling, their house filled with warmth and then, suddenly, darkness. It was as if her mind was trying to stitch together the pieces of her past, but nothing made sense. Yet, despite the haziness, one thing was becoming clear: she couldn’t trust him.

Her phone buzzed with a new message.

Old Estate on Lekki-Epe Road. You know the one.

Kemi didn’t remember it, but as she drove further, something tugged at the back of her mind. Her breath quickened as the road narrowed, leading her down a dirt path lined with overgrown trees. She finally reached a large, dilapidated house. It stood at the end of the road like a forgotten monument—desolate, abandoned, and cloaked in darkness.

The moment Kemi stepped out of the car, a chill ran down her spine. The house loomed in front of her, its windows blackened, its structure decayed by years of neglect. Still, something about it felt familiar, as though it once held memories of a life she couldn’t recall.

She cautiously approached the front door, her fingers trembling as she reached for the handle. It creaked open, the inside pitch-black except for the faint light from the moon slipping through cracks in the ceiling.

Suddenly, the door slammed shut behind her, locking her in. She gasped, turning quickly to find the exit sealed. Then, from the shadows, a voice—low, smooth, and cold—broke the silence.

“Welcome home, Kemi.”

Her body stiffened. The voice—it was Akin. The man she had been searching for, yet the man she couldn’t remember at all. Every part of her wanted to scream, to run, but her feet stayed planted, frozen by a deep, primal fear.

From the darkness, Akin emerged, stepping into the dim light. His face, once familiar, now seemed like that of a stranger—a man she couldn’t trust. There was a smug smile tugging at his lips, as though he had been waiting for this moment all along.

Kemi’s heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing. She had spent the past 13 hours following orders, killing people she couldn’t remember, all for the promise of saving this man and their daughter. Now, standing before him, she could sense the layers of deceit surrounding him.

“I see you found your way back,” Akin said, his voice calm, almost amused. “I’ve been waiting for you, Kemi.”

Her breath hitched. “Waiting for me? What... what is this? What’s going on?”

Akin chuckled darkly, stepping closer, his eyes gleaming with malice. “Don’t you see? You’ve been playing my game this whole time. And you didn’t even know it.”

The weight of his words settled in Kemi’s chest like a stone. She shook her head, backing away, desperately searching for answers in the fog of her memory. “No... that can’t be true. I... I don’t remember.”

Akin’s smile widened. “Exactly. You don’t remember anything. And that’s what made you the perfect pawn.”

Kemi’s hands clenched into fists, her anger surging. “What are you talking about?”

Akin circled her like a predator stalking its prey. “You were never supposed to find out. Not about the affairs, the money, the murders. But you did, Kemi. You dug too deep, and I couldn’t let that happen.”

Kemi’s breath caught in her throat as fragments of conversations flashed in her mind—confrontations, arguments, her own voice shouting in a blur of memories she couldn’t fully grasp.

“So you erased my memory... and made me kill all those people,” Kemi whispered, the pieces slowly falling into place. “You used me to clean up your mess.”

Akin nodded, satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. “And you did it brilliantly, my love. You were always good at getting things done, even when you didn’t remember.”

Kemi’s chest tightened with rage, the betrayal cutting deeper than anything she had ever felt. “Where is our daughter? What did you do to her?”

Akin’s face darkened, his expression hardening. “Oh, she’s safe... for now. But whether she stays that way is up to you.”

Kemi’s pulse quickened. “What do you want?”

“I want you to finish the job,” Akin replied, his voice deadly serious. “Finish what you started, and your daughter will live.”

Kemi’s world spun, the weight of the impossible decision crushing her. She had spent the last 24 hours killing, destroying lives, all to save a family she barely remembered. And now, she was face-to-face with the true enemy—the man she had once called her husband. The man who had manipulated her every step of the way.

Her mind raced, searching for a way out. She had to stay calm, she had to think. She couldn’t let him win.


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