Fractured: Chapter 6 - 7:00 PM Sunday (The Tech Mogul)

Kemi stood at the entrance of Felix Ajayi’s tech firm, its towering glass windows reflecting the dying light of the evening. The building was sleek, modern, and utterly deserted. Her heart raced as she pushed the door open, the weight of Felix’s reputation hanging over her. He was a man known for his wealth and power, a tech mogul with connections in every corner of the city. Yet, in this moment, it seemed even he wasn’t safe from the deadly game she had been forced into.

Inside, the office was eerily quiet. Rows of empty desks and flickering computer screens lined the open-plan workspace. Kemi moved quickly, her steps muffled by the plush carpet, her eyes scanning for any sign of Felix. The phone in her pocket vibrated, its timer ticking down: 15 hours left.

Suddenly, she heard rapid typing coming from one of the offices at the far end of the hall. She quickened her pace, heart pounding, and quietly approached the door. Peering inside, she saw Felix, hunched over his computer, frantically hitting the delete key, his face a mask of desperation.

Kemi pushed the door open, and Felix froze, his fingers hovering over the keyboard. He turned slowly to face her, his eyes wide with fear.

“Please,” he stammered, raising his hands defensively. “I know why you’re here, but I’m not your enemy.”

Kemi leveled her gaze at him, her mind racing. She had no idea who Felix Ajayi truly was, but the voice on the phone had marked him as a target. Was he just another pawn in this deadly game, or did he know something more?

“I’m not here to negotiate,” Kemi said, her voice cold and uncertain. She didn’t even know why she was here. It was as if her body moved on instinct, following the orders given to her, even as her mind struggled to piece together the fragments of her past.

“I have evidence,” Felix blurted out, his voice trembling. “Evidence that could expose the people behind this... behind everything. It’s all on this.”

He grabbed a small USB drive from his desk and held it out to her. “Take it. It has everything you need. But listen to me—these people are everywhere. They control everything. They can make you forget, make you doubt your own reality. You can’t trust anyone.”

Kemi hesitated, her fingers hovering over the USB drive. Could she trust him? Or was this just another trap?

As her hand closed around the drive, a loud crack split the air. Glass shattered as a bullet tore through the window, hitting Felix in the chest. He gasped, his body convulsing as he slumped forward in his chair. Kemi screamed, catching him as he fell, the USB drive clattering to the floor.

Felix’s eyes fluttered open, blood pooling around his mouth. His breaths came in short, ragged gasps as he whispered, “Trust... no one. Not even... your own mind.”

His body went limp in her arms.

Kemi’s world spun. She was losing control, and the lines between friend and foe were blurring. Felix’s words echoed in her mind, driving her deeper into doubt and paranoia.

Her phone buzzed again. She pulled it out, her hands shaking.

The voice was back, colder than ever. “Time is running out, Kemi. Your next target is Bimpe. She’s waiting for you in a cabin outside the city. Don’t fail me.”

As the call ended, Kemi’s breath came in shallow gasps. She glanced down at the USB drive, wondering if it held the answers she so desperately needed. But she knew one thing for certain—the game wasn’t over, and she was running out of time.

She stood, her eyes fixed on the darkness outside the shattered window. The countdown continued, and the final target was waiting.


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