Cub: Chapter 4

Despite Kayode's stern warnings and increasingly suffocating control, Morayo and Demola's love continued to grow in the shadows. Each secret meeting, each whispered word of affection, only deepened their bond. But as their love blossomed, so did the risks they were taking. Morayo lived in constant fear of her father finding out, the weight of her double life pressing down on her with increasing force.

Kayode, meanwhile, was not a man to be easily defied. The discovery of Morayo's secret relationship had only fueled his obsession. He couldn’t rest knowing that his daughter was slipping out of his control. Paranoia gnawed at him, and he began to dig into Demola's life with the determination of a man on a mission. Using his connections from his days on the police force, he started investigating the boy who had stolen his daughter’s heart, searching for any reason to keep him away from Morayo. What he found only deepened his resolve. Although Demola was a good boy with no dark secrets, Kayode saw this as more reason to intensify his scrutiny, convinced that no one was good enough for his daughter.

As the weeks passed, the strain of leading a double life began to take its toll on Morayo. The constant fear of being caught, the pressure of hiding her relationship, and the increasing intensity of her father’s control left her feeling like she was slowly suffocating. She couldn’t sleep, her appetite dwindled, and the joy she once found in Demola’s company was now tinged with anxiety and dread.

One evening, as Morayo sat alone in her room, she began to feel a wave of nausea. At first, she brushed it off as nerves, but as the days went by, the sickness didn’t go away—it only got worse. The realization hit her like a cold, hard truth: she was pregnant.

Panic set in as she considered the gravity of her situation. How would she tell Demola? What would her father do if he found out? The thought of Kayode’s reaction sent chills down her spine. She couldn’t bear the thought of his anger, his disappointment, the shame he would heap upon her. She felt trapped, like a caged bird with no way out.

When she finally gathered the courage to tell Demola, his initial reaction was one of shock, quickly followed by concern. “What are we going to do?” he asked, his voice laced with fear.

“I can’t keep it,” Morayo whispered, her voice trembling. “If my father finds out… I can’t imagine what he’ll do.”

Demola’s heart broke seeing the fear in her eyes. He wanted to protect her, to take her far away from the nightmare she was living, but he knew they had no money, no resources, and no place to go. “There’s someone I know,” he said hesitantly, “someone who can help. It’s not a clinic, but... it’s our only option.”

Desperation clouded their judgment, and in their fear, they made a decision that would seal their fate. They turned to an unqualified quack who operated out of a dingy room in the back streets of town. The man’s reputation was dubious at best, but in their panic, they convinced themselves that it was the only way.

The procedure was quick, cold, and terrifying. Morayo gripped Demola’s hand as she lay on the stained bed, her heart pounding with fear. She couldn’t help but think of what her life had become—a series of secrets, lies, and now, this. When it was over, they left the place as quickly as they could, hoping to leave the nightmare behind them. But the nightmare was only just beginning.

The next morning, Morayo awoke with a searing pain in her abdomen. She tried to hide it from Demola, not wanting to worry him, but as the day went on, the pain became unbearable. By nightfall, she was feverish and weak, barely able to stand. Demola rushed her to the nearest clinic, but it was too late. The botched abortion had caused severe internal damage, and there was nothing the doctors could do.

Morayo’s condition deteriorated rapidly. Demola stayed by her side, holding her hand, his heart breaking as he watched the life drain out of her. She looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears, and whispered, “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t say that,” Demola choked out, his own tears falling freely. “It’s not your fault, Morayo. None of this is your fault.”

But Morayo knew better. The weight of their secret, the fear of her father’s wrath, and the desperation that had driven them to such a dangerous decision—it had all led them here, to this moment.

As the night wore on, Morayo slipped away, her hand growing cold in Demola’s grasp. He held her, his heart shattered, as the girl he loved died in his arms. The bright, vibrant life that had been Morayo Ojo was snuffed out, leaving behind only a devastating silence.

When the news reached Kayode, it was as though the world had ended. He had spent so much of his life trying to protect his daughter from harm, only to realize too late that it was his own actions, his own obsession, that had driven her to her death.

The consequences of rebellion had been more than either of them could bear, and now, the price had been paid in full.


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