Cub: Chapter 3

In the weeks that followed, Morayo and Demola’s relationship deepened, each stolen moment together becoming more precious as the world around them grew more suffocating. They met in secret at a secluded spot near the river, a place hidden from the prying eyes of the town and, most importantly, from Kayode. The riverbank became their sanctuary, a refuge from the pressures and expectations that weighed heavily on both their shoulders.

Demola was everything Morayo had ever wanted in a companion. He was kind and thoughtful, with a quiet strength that made her feel safe in his presence. Despite his humble background, he had big dreams of becoming a lawyer, a goal he was determined to achieve despite the challenges that stood in his way. He saw a future with Morayo—a future where they could be free to love each other without fear of judgment or retribution.

Morayo, in turn, found solace in Demola’s presence. He was her escape, the one person who understood her struggles and fears. With him, she could be herself, free from the constant surveillance and control that defined her life at home. Together, they shared their dreams of escaping the small town, of starting a new life where her father’s shadow no longer loomed over them.

"One day, we’ll run away," Demola whispered to her one evening as they sat by the river, watching the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink. "We’ll go somewhere far away, where your father can’t find us. We’ll build a life together, just you and me."

Morayo leaned against him, her heart swelling with a mixture of hope and fear. "I want that so much, Demola. But I’m scared. My dad... he’s not like other fathers. If he finds out about us, I don’t know what he’ll do."

Demola wrapped his arm around her, holding her close. "We’ll be careful. We won’t let him find out. And when the time is right, we’ll leave this place. I promise you, Morayo, I’ll take care of you."

But no matter how careful they were, secrets have a way of surfacing, especially in a small town where everyone knows each other. Despite their best efforts to keep their relationship hidden, it was only a matter of time before someone noticed.

One afternoon, as Morayo and Demola walked hand in hand along a deserted path near the outskirts of town, they were spotted by a man who recognized Morayo immediately—an old colleague of Kayode’s from his days on the police force. The man had always been fond of Kayode and, seeing the Ojo girl with a boy in a place where she clearly wasn’t supposed to be, his protective instincts kicked in. He didn’t think twice before picking up the phone to call his old friend.

That evening, as Morayo returned home from another secret meeting with Demola, she noticed something different in the air. The house was quiet—too quiet. As she stepped inside, she found her father sitting in the living room, his expression dark and unreadable.

"Where have you been?" Kayode’s voice was low, almost too calm.

Morayo’s heart skipped a beat. "I was just... at school, finishing up some assignments," she lied, trying to keep her voice steady.

Kayode stood up slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. "Don’t lie to me, Morayo. I know where you’ve been. I know who you’ve been with."

The blood drained from Morayo’s face as the full weight of her father’s words sank in. He knew. Somehow, he had found out about Demola.

"Daddy, I—"

"Don’t!" Kayode’s voice rose, filled with a fury that shook Morayo to her core. "Don’t you dare try to explain yourself. Do you have any idea what you’ve done? How could you go behind my back like this? After everything I’ve done to protect you, this is how you repay me?"

Tears welled up in Morayo’s eyes as she tried to speak, but her words came out in a choked whisper. "Daddy, I love him. He makes me happy."

"Love?" Kayode spat the word out like it was poison. "You think you know what love is? You’re a child, Morayo! You don’t know anything about the world, about the dangers out there. And that boy... he’s nothing. He’ll ruin your life, just like every other man out there who’s ever tried to get close to you. I won’t let that happen!"

"Daddy, please!" Morayo begged, the tears now streaming down her face. "He’s not like that. He cares about me. He wants to be with me, to take care of me."

But Kayode was beyond reason. His anger had reached a boiling point, and there was no calming him now. "You will never see him again," he declared, his voice shaking with rage. "Do you understand me? You’re forbidden from seeing that boy ever again. And if I find out that you’ve disobeyed me, I swear, there will be consequences."

Morayo felt her heart shatter at his words. She knew her father well enough to know that he wasn’t making empty threats. If she continued to see Demola, she would be risking everything—her freedom, her safety, and possibly even Demola’s life. But even as she nodded, agreeing to his demands, a part of her knew that she couldn’t give up on the one thing that had brought her happiness in so long.

As Kayode stormed out of the room, leaving Morayo to her tears, she made a decision. She would continue seeing Demola, no matter the cost. She loved him, and she wouldn’t let her father’s obsession control her life any longer.

But deep down, she knew that the price of her defiance would be steep. She just didn’t know how steep it would be.


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