Mask Of Dusk: Chapter 8

The atmosphere in the Okafor estate was charged with an almost tangible fear. Timi and Kemi knew they had to escape before they became the next victims of the dark rituals. Meanwhile, Inspector Wale Ojo, having survived the earlier attack, was preparing a raid on the estate to rescue them and bring down the cult.

Timi and Kemi huddled in the dimly lit room that had become their temporary refuge. The urgency of their situation pressed heavily upon them. They had to escape, but every exit seemed fraught with danger.

“We need to stick to the hidden passages,” Timi said, his voice tense. “Adaeze and Chidi will be expecting us to use the main exits. We’ll outsmart them.”

They moved cautiously through the shadowy corridors, their senses heightened to any sound or movement. Each step was a calculated risk, each turn a potential trap. Adaeze and Chidi had set various traps throughout the estate, anticipating their every move. Timi and Kemi narrowly avoided several, their nerves fraying with each close call.

Meanwhile, Inspector Wale coordinated the raid from his car, parked a safe distance from the estate. “Stay alert,” he instructed his team through the radio. “We have a mole within the force. Trust no one except those you know are loyal.”

Wale's words proved prophetic. As the raid began, a violent confrontation erupted. The mole, a high-ranking officer, had tipped off Adaeze and Chidi, allowing them to prepare. The cult members were ready, and chaos ensued as they clashed with the police.

Back inside the mansion, the situation grew more desperate. Adaeze and Chidi, realizing Timi and Kemi were slipping through their grasp, unleashed a group of cult members to hunt them down. The eerie chants of the cult members echoed through the passages, growing louder and more menacing.

Timi and Kemi's breath quickened as they realized they were being pursued. "We have to move faster," Timi urged, pulling Kemi along.

They reached the underground chamber, the very place they had discovered the cult's darkest secrets. It was here that they hoped to find an exit, a way out of the nightmare. But as they entered, they found themselves cornered. The cult members blocked their path, closing in from all sides.

Kemi gripped Timi's arm, her eyes wide with fear. "What do we do now?"

Timi scanned the room, his mind racing. The altar, the symbols, the mask—all reminders of the horror they faced. "We fight," he said, his voice steady. "We don't give up."

As the cult members advanced, Timi and Kemi prepared to defend themselves. The air was thick with tension, the room dimly lit by flickering torches. They were outnumbered and outmatched, but their determination burned brightly.


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