Mask Of Dusk: Chapter 7

The atmosphere at the Okafor estate had become unbearably tense. The dark revelations of the previous night weighed heavily on Timi, Kemi, and Dayo. Timi knew it was time to confront Adaeze and Chidi with the horrifying truths they had uncovered. He had to find out the full extent of their involvement and, more importantly, how to stop them.

The next morning, Timi gathered his courage and approached Adaeze in the grand sitting room, where she sat calmly sipping her tea. Chidi was nearby, his usual nervousness more pronounced.

“Adaeze, Chidi,” Timi began, his voice steady but firm, “we need to talk. Now.”

Adaeze looked up, her eyes narrowing slightly. “What is it, Timi?”

Timi took a deep breath. “We know about the rituals, the sacrifices. We found the hidden chamber and the mask. It’s time you told us the truth.”

Adaeze’s serene expression hardened, revealing a cold and calculating nature. “I see you’ve been busy,” she said icily. “But you have no idea what you’re dealing with.”

Chidi’s face paled, and he began to tremble. “Adaeze, please...”

Adaeze silenced him with a sharp look. “Chidi, it’s time they knew everything.”

She turned back to Timi and Kemi, who had joined him. “The obsidian mask is a powerful artifact, one that grants immense power and wealth to those who wield it. But it demands a price—blood sacrifices.”

Chidi broke down, tears streaming down his face. “We were desperate,” he confessed. “We wanted wealth, power, everything. The Crimson Veil promised us all of that. We didn’t know what we were getting into.”

Adaeze’s voice remained cold. “We knew exactly what we were doing, Chidi. We made a pact, and we’ve been paying the price ever since.”

Timi felt a wave of revulsion but kept his focus. “So you’re saying this entire estate, everything you’ve built, is because of the mask?”

Adaeze nodded. “Yes. The mask’s power runs through this estate. Without it, everything would crumble.”

Kemi, her voice trembling with anger and fear, asked, “And the sacrifices? How many people have you killed?”

Adaeze’s eyes flickered with something almost like regret. “Too many. But we had no choice. The mask demands it.”

Timi’s mind raced. They had to escape before becoming the next victims. He looked at Kemi and Dayo, their expressions mirroring his determination. “We need to get out of here. Now.”

Dayo’s face contorted with rage. “No. We need to destroy them. They took my sister. They need to pay.”

Timi grabbed Dayo’s arm, his voice urgent. “Dayo, we don’t have time for this. We need to live to fight another day.”

As they turned to leave, a group of cult members appeared at the entrance, blocking their way. Dayo, driven by his reckless desire for revenge, charged at them, trying to fight his way through. The cult members quickly overpowered him, capturing him in a matter of moments.

Timi and Kemi were forced to retreat, their hearts pounding with fear and desperation. They had lost Dayo, but they couldn’t afford to be caught themselves. They fled through the hidden passages, the sound of their pursuers close behind.

The weight of their mission hung heavily on their shoulders as they prepared for the next steps, knowing that any misstep could be their last. The estate’s dark secrets were more dangerous than they had ever imagined, and the battle for survival had only just begun.


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