Mask Of Dusk: Chapter 6

The atmosphere at the Okafor estate grew increasingly tense and surreal. Timi found himself constantly on edge, the weight of the secrets and the ever-present feeling of being watched taking a psychological toll on him. He felt trapped and paranoid, the mansion's grandeur now oppressive.

One evening, Nkechi approached Timi in the library. She glanced around nervously before speaking. “Mr. Adebanjo, there’s something you need to know.”

Timi looked up, his eyes weary but attentive. “What is it, Nkechi?”

Nkechi glanced around again, ensuring they were alone. “The obsidian mask... it’s part of a dark ritual. The cult believes it holds power—power that requires human sacrifices.”

Timi’s heart sank. He had suspected something sinister, but hearing it confirmed was chilling. “Do you know where they perform these rituals?”

Nkechi nodded. “There are hidden passages throughout the estate. I can show you where they lead.”

Later that night, Timi and Kemi, armed with flashlights, ventured into the hidden passages Nkechi had revealed. The air was thick with dust and the scent of decay, the walls closing in around them as they descended deeper into the bowels of the mansion. They finally reached the underground chamber Kemi had discovered earlier.

The chamber was even more disturbing in the flickering light. Strange symbols adorned the walls, and in the center stood an altar stained with what Timi feared was blood. Scattered around were remnants of old rituals—candles, bones, and the obsidian mask, which seemed to pulse with an eerie energy.

As they examined the chamber, they heard a noise behind them. Timi turned to see a man emerging from the shadows. It was Dayo, a determined look in his eyes. “Who are you?” Timi demanded, stepping protectively in front of Kemi.

“I’m Dayo,” the man replied, his voice steady but intense. “I’ve been investigating this cult for years. They killed my sister—used her as a sacrifice. I need your help to stop them.”

Timi was taken aback but saw the sincerity in Dayo’s eyes. “What do you know about them?”

Dayo’s expression darkened. “They call themselves the Crimson Veil. They believe the mask gives them power, but it requires blood sacrifices. I’ve been tracking them, gathering evidence, but I need more. This place is the key. If we can expose what’s been happening here, we can bring them down.”

Timi felt a mix of horror and determination. “We’ve found some evidence too—old photographs, documents. We need to find more.”

Dayo nodded. “We don’t have much time. They’re planning another ritual soon. We need to gather everything we can and get it to the authorities.”

As they talked, Timi realized the risk Dayo was taking. His actions had been bold, even reckless, and they had almost led to his capture by the cult members. Just then, they heard footsteps echoing through the passageway.

“Hide!” Dayo hissed, pulling Timi and Kemi behind a large column.

The cult members entered the chamber, their low voices chanting in a language Timi couldn’t understand. The group’s leader, wearing the obsidian mask, approached the altar. Timi’s heart pounded as he watched, hoping they wouldn’t be discovered.

The ritual continued, the leader raising a dagger high over a bound and gagged victim on the altar. Timi knew they couldn’t stay hidden for long. Dayo, his anger bubbling over, started to move, but Timi grabbed his arm, shaking his head. “Not now. We need a plan.”

They waited, tense and silent, until the ritual ended and the cult members left. As they emerged from their hiding place, Timi looked at Dayo and Kemi. “We need to find a way to stop them before they perform another ritual.”

Dayo nodded, his face grim. “We don’t have much time. We need to gather all the evidence we can and get it to the authorities.”

As they made their way back through the passages, Timi felt a renewed sense of purpose. They were on the brink of uncovering the estate’s darkest secrets, but the danger was greater than ever. They had to be careful, or they might not make it out alive.

The weight of their mission hung heavily on their shoulders as they prepared for the next steps, knowing that any misstep could be their last.


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