Mask Of Dusk: Chapter 2

Timi Adebanjo arrived at the Okafor estate early the next morning, eager to dive into the architectural plans for the new wing. He set up his workspace in a large, sunlit room overlooking the lush gardens, spreading out blueprints and sketching initial ideas. The grandeur of the estate provided ample inspiration, but the eerie quietness and the previous night's strange noises lingered in his mind.

As Timi worked, he couldn't help but notice the peculiar behavior of the staff, particularly the housekeeper. She moved about the mansion with a nervous energy, her eyes darting around as if she expected something—or someone—to appear at any moment. She avoided direct eye contact and mumbled her responses when Timi tried to engage her in conversation.

"Good morning," Timi greeted her warmly. "I don't think I caught your name yesterday."

"Nkechi," she replied softly, barely meeting his gaze.

"Nkechi, how long have you been working for the Okafors?"

Nkechi's hands trembled slightly as she adjusted a vase of fresh flowers. "Good morning, sir. I've been here for about five years."

"That's quite some time," Timi said, trying to sound casual. "You must have seen a lot."

Nkechi glanced around the room before responding in a hushed tone, "Yes, sir. This house... it has many stories."

Timi sensed there was more she wanted to say but decided not to press her further. Instead, he focused on the architectural plans, sketching out ideas for the underground chamber. The concept intrigued him, despite the oddities surrounding it.

Later that afternoon, Adaeze joined Timi to review his progress. Her presence was as captivating as ever, but Timi couldn't shake off the feeling that she was hiding something. They discussed various design elements, and Adaeze seemed pleased with his ideas.

"This is excellent, Timi," Adaeze praised. "I knew you were the right person for this job."

"Thank you, Adaeze," Timi replied, forcing a smile. "I'm curious, though. Why the need for such an elaborate underground chamber?"

Adaeze's expression remained calm, but there was a flicker of something in her eyes—something dark. "My husband, Chidi, has a passion for art and artifacts. He needs a secure place to store his collection."

Timi nodded, though the explanation did little to ease his unease. As Adaeze left the room, he decided to explore more of the estate, hoping to understand its secrets better. His footsteps echoed through the grand hallways as he ventured deeper into the mansion.

It wasn't long before he stumbled upon a door slightly ajar. Curiosity piqued, Timi pushed it open and stepped into a dimly lit room. The air was thick with dust, and the walls were lined with shelves filled with strange artifacts—ancient masks, sculptures, and scrolls. In the center of the room stood a pedestal, and atop it was an obsidian mask, its dark surface gleaming ominously.

Timi's heart raced as he approached the mask. There was something unsettling about it, as if it were watching him. He reached out hesitantly but stopped short, his fingers inches from the cold stone. The mask seemed to pulse with a life of its own, and a chill ran down his spine.

As Timi turned to leave, his eyes caught a glimpse of something partially hidden under a pile of old fabrics. He bent down and uncovered a piece of clothing—stained with what appeared to be dried blood. His breath caught in his throat as he realized the implications.

Suddenly, the room seemed to close in on him. He could almost hear whispers echoing from the walls, and the temperature dropped noticeably. Timi backed away slowly, his mind racing with questions and fear.

That night, Timi struggled to sleep. When he finally drifted off, his dreams were plagued with disturbing images. He saw himself trapped in the hidden room, surrounded by ghostly figures wearing obsidian masks. The whispers grew louder, turning into screams that echoed in his mind.

He woke up in a cold sweat, the memory of the blood-stained clothing vivid in his mind. The line between reality and nightmare began to blur, and Timi knew he had to uncover the truth behind the Okafor estate before it consumed him. As he lay in bed, wide awake, replaying the events of the day, he heard footsteps outside his door, followed by a soft, menacing whisper that sent chills down his spine: "Leave while you still can, or face the darkness beneath the mask."


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