Lugard: Chapter 8

The sun began to set over Lagos, casting a golden hue across the city. The atmosphere was tense as thousands of protesters gathered at Lekki Toll Gate, chanting slogans and holding up signs demanding an end to police brutality. It was the height of the EndSARS protests, a movement that had gained momentum as Nigerians from all walks of life united against the Special Anti-Robbery Squad's (SARS) abuses.

Na'ibi stood amidst the sea of protesters, feeling a mix of guilt and determination. The events of the past few weeks had weighed heavily on him. He had stepped back from the fight, choosing the safety of entertainment journalism, but watching Amara continue to risk everything had filled him with regret. Tonight, he was here to support her, to show that he was willing to stand by her side once more.

He spotted Amara near the front lines, her voice leading the chants, her presence a beacon of hope and defiance. He pushed his way through the crowd until he reached her, grabbing her hand. She turned, her eyes widening in surprise and relief.

"Na'ibi, you came," she said, squeezing his hand tightly.

"I couldn't stay away," he replied. "I’m here with you, for as long as it takes."

Their moment of unity was interrupted by a sudden commotion. The streetlights around the toll gate, which had been providing the only source of illumination, abruptly went out. Darkness enveloped the area, but the protesters continued, their voices rising defiantly in the night. The only light now came from the glow of their phones and the candles they held aloft, their flames flickering like beacons of hope.

Na'ibi and Amara exchanged a worried glance, their grip on each other tightening. The tension in the air was palpable, and an eerie silence fell over the crowd. Suddenly, they heard the sound of military boots marching in unison. Panic rippled through the protesters as the unmistakable sight of armed soldiers emerged from the shadows.

"Stay calm," someone shouted, but fear was already spreading.

Without warning, the soldiers opened fire. The sound of gunfire echoed through the air, and chaos erupted. People screamed and scattered, running in every direction to escape the bullets raining down on them. Despite the protesters waving the Nigerian flag and singing the national anthem, the soldiers continued to shoot.

Na'ibi and Amara were caught in the melee. He held onto her hand tightly, but the crush of the panicked crowd made it difficult to stay together. They were pushed and jostled, their grips slipping.

"Na'ibi!" Amara screamed, trying to hold onto him.

"Amara, don’t let go!" Na'ibi shouted back, but it was too late. A surge of people separated them, and Na'ibi was swept away by the crowd. He stumbled, falling to the ground as protesters trampled over him in their desperate bid to escape.

Amara fought her way through the chaos, tears streaming down her face as she called out for Na'ibi. She searched frantically, but he was nowhere to be found.

Aondo, who had been participating in the protest in plain clothes, saw the chaos unfold. He spotted Na'ibi on the ground, struggling to get up. Pushing his way through the crowd, Aondo reached Na'ibi and helped him to his feet. Just as they started to move, a bullet grazed Aondo’s arm, and he fell, clutching his wound.

"Go, Na'ibi, go!" Aondo urged, but the crowd had separated them again. Na'ibi was swept further away, disappearing into the chaos.

Hours later, the protest had been brutally dispersed, and the toll gate was eerily silent. Amara, along with their friends Damilola and Ifeanyi, searched desperately for Na'ibi. They combed through the nearby hospitals and police stations, asking anyone and everyone if they had seen him.

Days turned into weeks, and Na'ibi remained missing. Amara's heart ached with the pain of not knowing his fate. She clung to the hope that he was alive, somewhere out there, waiting to be found.

Aondo, recovering from his injury, met with Damilola in secret. "I have critical information," he said, his voice hushed. "The people behind this won’t stop until they’ve silenced everyone. We need to be careful, but we also need to act."

Damilola nodded, her resolve steely. "We’ll find Na'ibi, and we’ll bring these criminals to justice."

The fight was far from over. Amara, Aondo, Damilola, and Ifeanyi vowed to continue their search for Na'ibi and their quest for justice. Their journey had taken a dark turn, but their determination burned brighter than ever. They would not rest until they had exposed the truth and found their friend.


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