Shadow Play: Chapter 6 - Judas

The atmosphere in the hideout was tense. Kunle's team regrouped after the chaotic heist, counting their loot and trying to make sense of the unexpected security breach. Femi leaned casually against a wall, watching the others with a calculating gaze.

Kunle looked up from the pile of cash and jewels. “We did well, but we need to understand what went wrong. Amina, any luck figuring out the security breach?”

Amina shook her head, her frustration evident. “I’m still working on it. There’s no way they should have had a secondary system. Someone must have tipped them off.”

In the meantime, Ada was in her small apartment, sifting through the intel she had gathered. As an undercover cop, she had initially infiltrated Kunle’s crew to bring them down. But over time, she had grown to understand their motivations and had developed a sense of loyalty to them. However, the latest developments troubled her deeply.

Ada’s suspicions had been aroused during the heist when she noticed Femi’s seemingly effortless navigation through Olumide’s mansion. Something about his confidence and ease didn’t sit right with her. She decided to dig deeper into his background and communications.

Using her police resources, Ada accessed Femi’s phone records and found multiple calls and messages exchanged with an unknown number. After tracing the number, she discovered it belonged to Sade. The content of the messages left no doubt—they were planning to double-cross Kunle’s team.

Ada knew she needed to act fast. She decided to visit the hideout, determined to confront Kunle and the team with the new information she had gathered.

Back at the hideout, as Kunle and the team continued to analyze the heist, Femi excused himself, claiming he needed some fresh air. He stepped outside and dialed Sade’s number.

“Sade, it’s me. They’re starting to suspect something. We need to move quickly.”

Sade’s voice was cold and authoritative. “Stick to the plan, Femi. We’ve come too far to back out now. Make sure they trust you. We’ll make our move when the time is right.”

Femi ended the call and took a deep breath. He needed to keep playing his part perfectly.

Inside, Ada arrived, her face set with determination. Kunle looked up, surprised to see her. “Ada, what’s going on?”

Ada took a deep breath. “I’ve been undercover, Kunle. I’m a cop. But I’m not here to arrest you. I’ve been watching and listening, and I’ve discovered something troubling.”

The team tensed, weapons discreetly at the ready. Kunle narrowed his eyes. “Explain yourself.”

Ada met his gaze, unwavering. “Femi has been working with Sade. They planned to double-cross you from the beginning. The secondary security system, the breach—it was all part of their plan.”

A stunned silence fell over the room. Kunle turned to look at Femi, who had just walked back in, his face a mask of calm.

“Is this true, Femi?” Kunle asked, his voice low and dangerous.

Femi forced a laugh, trying to play it off. “Come on, Kunle. You’re going to trust the word of a cop over your own team member?”

Ada stepped forward. “I have proof. I’ve been tracking their communications. Sade has been feeding Femi information, and he’s been relaying everything back to her.”

Amina’s eyes widened in shock. “You’re a traitor, Femi?”

Femi’s expression hardened, realizing the jig was up. “You’re all fools. Sade and I have been planning this for months. You really thought you could pull off a heist of this scale without attracting attention? We were always going to take the loot for ourselves.”

Kunle’s face darkened with fury. “You betrayed us. You put all our lives at risk.”

Femi shrugged, his demeanor cold. “It’s just business, Kunle. Nothing personal.”

Before anyone could react, the door burst open, and Sade, accompanied by armed men, stormed in. “Drop your weapons,” she commanded.

Kunle’s team hesitated, the betrayal cutting deep. But Ada, quick on her feet, used the moment of distraction to disarm one of Sade’s men and fire a warning shot. Chaos erupted as Kunle’s team fought back, their survival instincts kicking in.

Kunle tackled Femi, the two of them struggling fiercely. “You won’t get away with this,” Kunle growled.

Femi sneered. “I already have.”

In the midst of the chaos, Amina managed to disable the armed men’s communications, cutting off their connection to reinforcements. Musa, using his brute strength, overpowered Sade’s men one by one.

Ada, now fully aligned with Kunle’s team, worked to secure the room. “We need to get out of here. They’ll be back with more men.”

Kunle, breathing heavily, nodded. “Let’s move.”

The team, battered but not broken, made their escape, leaving the hideout behind. They knew the game had changed, and the stakes were higher than ever. Betrayal had cut deep, but it had also solidified their resolve.

In the heart of Lagos, shadows moved with newfound determination. The Judas in their midst had been exposed, and now, it was time to regroup and strike back with a vengeance.


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