HX: Chapter 13


Chapter 13

Disgust churned in Inspector Hassan's gut. He had traded his freedom to lead Asukwo's men straight to Dede, a betrayal that sickened him to his core. But a flicker of defiance refused to die.  He had to find some way to warn her, to lessen the blow of his actions.

The phone in his pocket was a heavy, unwelcome burden. Smashing it would only raise suspicion; it was his sole tool for disrupting Asukwo's plans, however small that disruption might be.

The journey was a tense blur. Asukwo's men pressed him for details about Dede's location, but he feigned ignorance, strategically playing the part of a reluctant guide.  As they reached the outskirts of town, Asukwo's sharp command shattered the silence.

"Those warehouses," he declared, pointing to a desolate cluster. "That's where she'll be hiding. Search every inch."

Desperation surged within Hassan. This wasn't a place he recognized from his investigation. Perhaps there was still time, a sliver of a chance to send a signal.  "I... I need to relieve myself," he stammered, feigning embarrassment. "Could we stop for just a moment?"

Asukwo's scowl spoke volumes, but he grudgingly agreed. As the car pulled over, Hassan's mind raced. His eyes scanned the desolate road and spotted a figure in the distance – a young boy, herding goats along the dusty path. An idea, reckless and desperate, sparked in his mind.

Risking a glance at Asukwo's preoccupied men, he slipped out of the car.  "Just a moment!" he called out, trying to sound casual.  With each step towards the boy, his heart hammered against his ribs.

The boy stared at him, wide-eyed, as Hassan approached.  "Please," Hassan urged, his voice low and urgent. "I need you to deliver a message. Do you know the general store? The old woman who runs it?"

The boy nodded, his curiosity clear.

Hassan pressed a crumpled banknote into the boy's hand. "Tell her this: 'They're coming.' You must tell her this, exactly as I said it. Can you do that?"

The boy's eyes widened, but he nodded again, clutching the money with a sense of newfound importance.  Hassan squeezed his shoulder, a silent plea for him to understand the urgency.

As he returned to the car, Asukwo's glare bore into him. "What took you so long?" he barked.

"Just… nerves," Hassan mumbled, sliding back into his seat. He had done what he could – a small, desperate act of defiance. Now, with his conscience burdened and his fate uncertain, he could only hope his message would reach Dede in time.

Meanwhile, within the dimly lit backroom of the general store, Dede and The Egungun were making their final plans. Anxious energy crackled in the air – their strike at the heart of HX was a desperate gamble for justice.

Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps broke the tension. A young boy, breathless and wide-eyed, knocked on the closed front door of the store. "Someone told me to tell you something ma!" he gasped, holding out a crumpled piece of paper. In a shaky voice, the boy recited, "'They're coming.'"

The room erupted in confusion. Fear and determination warred in Dede's gut. Then, she remembered her brief encounters with the frustrated Inspector Hassan. Was this a warning? She couldn't be certain, but the message was enough to sow doubt.

"We need a new plan," Dede announced, her voice steady.  "And we need it now."

The room exploded with whispers as they swiftly adapted their strategy. Their surprise attack was compromised, but thanks to Hassan's cryptic message, they had a chance to prepare. Dede gritted her teeth – it was time to turn the tables. They would fight, and Asukwo's relentless pursuit would lead him directly into their trap.


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