A Lagos Love and Lies: The Unveiling

Part 1: The Unveiling

The clinking of champagne glasses and the thrumming bass of Afrobeat music filled the expansive hall. Crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow on Lagos's elite, gathered to celebrate Chief Akinsanya's 60th birthday.

Chief Akinsanya, a self-made millionaire with a booming laugh and a booming voice, held court at the head table. Beside him sat Mama Akinsanya, his much younger wife, adorned in enough diamonds to rival a chandelier. But beneath the carefully applied makeup, a shadow of discontent lingered in her eyes.

Across the room stood Wale, the Chief's estranged eldest son. Years of simmering resentment kept him at a distance. He scanned the room, his gaze landing on a vision in emerald green – Folake, a woman as beautiful as she was unexpected.

Wale's arrival had already caused a stir. His relationship with his father was an open secret, a constant source of gossip. Now, the arrival of this unknown woman on his arm fueled the whispers.

As the band launched into a celebratory song, the Chief raised his glass. "To family, to fortune, and to many more years!" he boomed. Everyone echoed the toast, except Mama Akinsanya. Her hand hovered over her untouched glass, a look of sudden distress crossing her face.

"Mom?" Wale started, a jolt of concern shooting through him. He took a hesitant step towards her, but before he could reach her side, Mama Akinsanya slumped forward, her glass shattering on the floor. Gasps erupted as Wale rushed to his mother's side. Her face was pale, her breathing shallow. Panic clawed at his throat.

"Call an ambulance!" someone shouted. The opulent party hall was thrown into chaos as guests scrambled to help or gawked in stunned silence. As medics rushed Mama Akinsanya out, Wale's eyes met his brother Demola's across the room. Demola, the golden child, the perfect heir apparent, offered a tight smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

In the pandemonium, a single question echoed in Wale's mind – what had just happened? To be continued...


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