
When the Crow Flies: Chapter 9

The old factory loomed before Adesuwa, its silhouette stark against the early evening sky. Rusted metal beams and broken windows hinted at years of abandonment, and a chill ran down her spine as she approached. This place, once a hub of activity, had long since fallen into decay—much like her life had after that fateful night. But now, it held the answers she’d been seeking for a decade. She moved carefully, her footsteps echoing in the emptiness. Tayo’s letter had led her here, and she was certain that within these walls lay the evidence that would finally expose the truth. She picked her way through the debris, her eyes scanning for anything out of place, anything that might give her a clue. As she ventured deeper, she noticed the faint outline of old bloodstains on the concrete floor, long dried but unmistakable. The sight triggered a flood of memories, and she felt herself slipping back to that night, her mind conjuring images of the chaos, the screams, the accusations. She remembe

When the Crow Flies: Chapter 8

Adesuwa sat in the empty bar, the pain of Tayo’s death still raw. She was filled with a mix of grief and fury, a relentless ache that wouldn’t let her rest. She glanced around the bar, memories flooding back from when they were younger, when she and Tayo had used this place as their own secret hideaway. He had loved her once, fiercely, and she clung to that memory now, hoping it would give her the strength she needed to keep going. She knew Tayo wouldn’t have left her without answers. If he’d been protecting her, as he claimed, he would have tried to leave something behind, some clue to help her unravel the truth. Her mind drifted back to the times they’d met here in secret. They’d carved out a small compartment in the floorboards under the bar, a place where they’d hidden love notes and small keepsakes, a place no one else knew about. With renewed purpose, Adesuwa knelt down, her hands brushing over the rough wood. Her fingers searched for the small, familiar latch. Finally, she found

When the Crow Flies: Chapter 7

Adesuwa paced the empty bar, waiting for Tayo. She had sent him a message earlier, demanding that he meet her here and finally tell her everything he knew. Her patience had run out, and her trust in him was hanging by a thread. If he knew something—anything—about the people who had orchestrated her downfall, she needed to hear it now. Tayo entered a few minutes later, his expression guarded. He looked around, making sure they were alone, then walked over to her. She wasted no time, her voice sharp and unyielding. “Enough with the secrets, Tayo. I need the truth. No more half-answers, no more evasions. Just tell me what you know.” He sighed heavily, rubbing a hand over his face. “It’s not as simple as you think, Adesuwa. I didn’t want you to get involved in this. That’s why I kept quiet. I thought if I could just keep you safe, none of this would matter.” “Safe?” she spat. “You think I’m safe now? Someone tried to kill me, Tayo. Twice. And you’re telling me you kept quiet to protect me?

When the Crow Flies: Chapter 6

The hospital room was sterile and quiet, the steady beep of the heart monitor the only sound breaking the silence. Adesuwa lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, her body aching from the impact of the accident. She hadn’t expected to end up here, but she knew this wasn’t an accident. Someone wanted her dead. The realization sent a chill down her spine, mingling with a new, persistent sense of paranoia. She winced as she shifted in bed, her mind racing through the events of the past few days. The attack had been a clear warning, a desperate attempt to scare her away. But she was more certain than ever that this was bigger than a single person. This conspiracy had threads that ran deep, snaring everyone around her. She no longer knew who she could trust—even Tayo seemed to be hiding something. As if on cue, Tayo appeared at the doorway. He entered the room quietly, his eyes flickering with a mixture of relief and guilt as they met hers. He stood by her bedside, his hands stuffed in his

When the Crow Flies: Chapter 5

Adesuwa’s thoughts were racing as she walked up the cracked pathway to Kemi’s house. After the break-in and the message left on her wall, she knew she had to confront Kemi once more. She couldn’t shake the feeling that her old friend was holding back—keeping secrets that could help unravel the truth. She needed answers, and she wasn’t leaving until she got them. Kemi opened the door with a resigned expression, as if she had been expecting her. They stood there for a moment, neither of them speaking. Then, Kemi stepped aside, allowing Adesuwa into the small, cluttered living room. They took seats across from each other, and the air was thick with tension. “I know you lied during the trial,” Adesuwa said, her voice calm but firm. “You testified that I had no alibi. You knew I wasn’t guilty, but you didn’t say a word to help me.” Kemi’s face paled, and she looked away, her fingers fidgeting with a loose thread on her sleeve. “You don’t understand,” she whispered. “It wasn’t that simple.”

When the Crow Flies: Chapter 4

The night was thick with silence as Adesuwa lay in her bed, her mind churning over the events of the past few days. She could still feel the sting of Tayo’s words, the unease that seemed to hang around him like a shadow. She knew he was hiding something, but she couldn’t figure out what—or why. Just as she was drifting into a restless sleep, a noise shattered the quiet. She bolted upright, her heart pounding. Someone was inside her house. She slipped quietly out of bed, moving as silently as she could through the darkness. The floor creaked beneath her feet, and she froze, straining her ears for any sound. Her breath came in shallow gasps as she listened to the intruder rifling through her belongings in the next room. After what felt like an eternity, the noise stopped, followed by the faint sound of footsteps retreating. She waited until she was certain the person was gone before she dared to move. She flicked on the light and gasped at the chaos before her. Her belongings were strewn

When the Crow Flies: Chapter 3

The bar was just as Adesuwa remembered it—a small, dimly lit place with old wood paneling and the faint smell of tobacco clinging to the walls. Tayo’s bar had always been a safe haven for them, back when they used to sneak in to steal moments together, hidden from the prying eyes of the town. Now, it felt like stepping into a ghost of the past, each memory echoing through the quiet room. She found him behind the counter, his back turned as he wiped glasses with a faded rag. His broad shoulders had always given her a sense of security, but now they seemed tense, burdened by the weight of ten years’ worth of struggles. She felt a pang of sadness seeing how time had changed him, just as it had changed her. “Tayo,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. He froze, and then turned around slowly. His face lit up with a flicker of recognition, but it quickly hardened, a guarded expression taking over. For a moment, they simply stared at each other, letting the silence speak for them. He s